Launch Readiness

Organizational Readiness | Prepare the Market | Prepare the Brand

Launch readiness is about mobilizing your resources and preparing the market. You cannot afford surprises or slippage. We'll work with your teams in more than 20 horizontals to make sure they are commercially ready for launch.

Product Development Timeline

Overcome the Challenges of Launch Preparation

Don't underestimate the value of planning and preparing for the launch of a bio-pharmaceutical product. Team leads lacking a systematic and efficient approach place the launch at risk. That's where IPL comes in. Our experience, combined with our systematic approach and tools, offer a solution that will quickly get your team up and running.

Proactive Launch Management

IPL provides a comprehensive assessment of your launch plans and will equip your teams with what they need to successfully manage to launch. We'll assess your state of readiness in six dimensions across 22 horizontals and help get your teams in harmonized stride with a comprehensive and integrated launch solution.

Organizational Alignment

Whether your organization is a mega-corporation or a team of four, keeping decision-makers and stakeholders up to date is crucial. IPL keeps your executive panels informed with dashboards that derive from on-the-ground working plans, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Benefit from our experience and from those who have gone before you

Call or email us and we'll answer any questions you have about how IPL can work for you.